
How to Put Yourself in the Spotlight at Work?

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Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

How to Put Yourself in the Spotlight at Work?

In the work environment you want to be perceived as both COMPETENT and LIKABLE. But when you over-promote yourself you will quickly be perceived as a braggart or a a show-off. The extent to which this is the case is a cultural issue. In the USA people generally like a good "sales pitch". But even there there are definitely limits to what people will perceive as OK, good taste and likable. So: How can you create a positive image of your competences, while not being seen as overly promoting yourself?
Prof. Leslie K. John ("Savvy Self-Promotion", HBR May-June 2021, pp. 145-148) conducted research around this question and formulates 5 useful best practices:
1. SHARE WHEN ASKED. If someone requests information that requires you to be positive about yourself, then there is less reason to hold back than is the case normally. In fact, if you - when asked about something - you are too modest, people may perceive you as not trustworthy and not likable.
2. SHARE WHEN OTHERS ARE ALSO SHARING. If other people are sharing pros or cons with you about themselves (for example on LinkedIn), the risk of being perceived as a braggart are lower if you too mention positive things about yourself.
3. FIND A PROMOTER. Ask third parties like your boss, mentor, consultant, colleagues to speak highly about you or to recommend your skills.
4. STRIKE A BALANCE. You are more credible if you don't only mention positive things about yourself, but also some (mild!) negative things.
5. CELEBRATE THE RIGHT WAY. Ask others to cheer your successes (or celebrate your successes on your own).

Besides the 5 mentioned by Prof. John, I could think of one more "best practice":
-> Let's further complete this list. I'm also curious about your cultural view on this subject...


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  Donato ochan Hakim
Donato ochan Hakim
CEO, South Sudan

How to Put Yourself in the Sportlight at Work

Let people put you in the sportlight by what you do and based on your expertise, attitude towards work and how you present yourself. There is no need to sell yourself, let others sell you. However this does not mean what has been shared based on Prof. Leslie John's research is baseless and to me I would put it this way in order for you be in the sportlight:
1. Live by example - be a loyal worker who is keeping time, is doing exactly what you are assigned to do on time and smartly. That will earn you a good sales by others, don't sell yourself, let others sells you.
2. Be a person of principle - do what you promised to do and do it well without being being followed by your boss and this will encourage your boss to sell well.
3. Appreciate others as well - do what you want others to do to you i.e., praise others also even for their small successes and you will be sellable by the same people. That is exactly what prof. Leslie meant with strike the balance.


Meaning of Strike a Balance

@Donato ochan Hakim: I believe the meaning of "strike a balance" as mentioned by Leslie is not what you argue it is. What Leslie means is balancing the positive things you mention about yourself with some negative things about yourself.
Appreciating others is rather what Mr. de Jonge mentions in his 6th suggested addition.

  Nikki van der Woude
Nikki van der Woude

Lead by Example to Demonstrate Capabilities

I really like this post Jaap, as this question can be a predicament if you allow it to be.
I was a manager for years and always worked with different teams, some who had never met me. You then felt like the 'new' person beginning again, building bonds.
Over-promoting yourself can come across as a bit desperate and that then raises the question of: Why? Confidence and competence are key partners to successful management ingredients. I agree with Professor Leslie to strike a balance of humbleness with success for credibility.

My experience of 'breaking any bragging' temptation would be to:
  1. Lead by example, demonstrate capabilities naturally. I would never ask someone to do something I couldn't or wouldn't attempt myself.
  2. (As mentioned) Give praise for small wins cohesively builds team respect.
  3. Immediately mention problems if any (nip those in the bud). Trust & transparency can flourish, hopefully by being open & a good listener.
  4. Humor and not taking yourself too seriously can also dissolve any group anxiety.
  5. Promote lifelong learning- we 'learn something new everyday'. No question is a stupid one, and maybe others want to ask but are fearful of looking silly etc.
  6. Embrace diversity and differences. It's wonderful we all have strengths and weaknesses. It allows others to step up and showcase their potential.

  Ekechi Festus
Ekechi Festus
Management Consultant, Nigeria

Ways to Put Yourself in the Spotlight

@Donato ochan Hakim: Working with so many people at different levels and assignments, I realized that some other ways to win their minds and hearts include:
A. Just be yourself. Avoid struggling for recognitions. Your competence, uniqueness and charisma will unveil you.
B. Invest in young talents. Show interest in building and mentoring young professionals arround you.
C. Social networking. Beyond official relationship within team, working on socially connecting with others. This helps builds more lasting bond of friendships.
D. Open celebration of others achievements. When u celebrate and recognize other open mindedly, you end up, not only having a wide spread healthy relationship with them, but indirectly celebrate yourself.
E. Self improvement. Continously improving yourself through self development makes your professionally aligned with best practices and that on itself, earns you self respect and recognition among peers and senior.


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